Funding Opportunities

Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Centers offer pilot studies, scholar awards, and other funding opportunities for researchers needing support to complete their medical rehabilitation research projects.

MR3 Network Member Description Upcoming Deadlines
AR3T Supplemental Grant Funding Program Stretch your research money even further! The AR3T Supplemental Grant Funding Program supports researchers in the development of innovative, rigorous, and interdisciplinary Regenerative Rehabilitation research projects. Now soliciting supplemental grant proposals. Learn more. None, subscribe to the AR3T newsletter for updates
AR3T Pilot Funding Program The AR3T Pilot Funding Program supports researchers in the development of innovative, interdisciplinary Regenerative Rehabilitation research projects.  Learn more. Round 2 application due: August 1, 2024
AR3T Technology Development Grants
AR3T offers technology development grants to support the development of ex vivo and in vivo technologies that will enhance the understanding of stem cell response to stimulation.  Learn more. None, subscribe to the AR3T newsletter for updates
AR3T Mini Career Development Grants Program is designed to support junior faculty with the goal of writing and refining novel grant submissions. Awardees are paired with a mentor from one of over twenty AR3T researchers whose area of expertise complements the recipient’s area of research. Learn more.
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C-PROGRESS Pilot Funding Program
The National Pediatric Rehabilitation Resource Center Pilot Studies program encourages innovation and funds pilot studies with high potential for discovering efficacious treatments and promoting their rapid, high-fidelity application in clinical and community settings.  Learn more. None, subscribe to the C-PROGRESS newsletter for updates
C-STAR Pilot Funding Program The mission of C-STAR is to leverage the collective experience of our clinicians, scientists, engineers, and patients to support the development of novel pilot studies that explore the smart use of technology to assess motor and cognitive performance and/or outcomes in laboratory, clinical, or community settings. Four projects will be funded each year, including mentorship from top leaders in engineering, clinical research, outcomes and implementation science research. Learn more. None, subscribe to the C-STAR newsletter for updates
LeaRRn Pilot Funding Program
The LeaRRn Pilot Studies Program identifies, supports, and advances high quality, state-of-the-art research proposals that catalyze innovative approaches to tackling important and understudied questions that have been identified as priorities by our Learning Health System (LHS Innovation Hub) partners. Awardees are paired with a LeaRRn mentor and work directly with one of our LHS partners on their pilot project.  Pilot studies enable researchers to obtain preliminary data, technical skills, and the guidance needed to design, evaluate, and implement LHS research projects. Learn more.
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NC NM4R Pilot Funding Program
NC NM4R Pilot Project Grants provide short-term funding for studies designed to promote rehabilitation neuroscience research that uses neuromodulatory techniques and methodologies, or which may increase understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of NM4R. Learn more. None, subscribe to the NC NM4R newsletter for updates
NC NM4R Collaborative Research Project Program The NC NM4R Collaborative Research Project Program will provide immediate, short-term (a 6-month period) funding for up to 4 collaborative opportunities proposals per year to help investigators overcome potential barriers in successful pilot data collection. Only projects developed through collaboration between the applicants and the NC NM4R will be considered. Learn more. Open application, no deadline
Restore Pilot Funding Program
The Restore Center awards Pilot Project grants to innovative and meritorious projects to accelerate the use of sensor and video technology in rehabilitation research and to advance real-world monitoring and delivery of medical rehabilitation for individuals with impaired movement.  Learn more.
None, subscribe to the Restore newsletter for updates