Rehabilitation Research News

October 30, 2023

The October 30, 2023, edition of NCMRR Rehabilitation Research News has been published. NCMRR Director Theresa Cruz has three announcements and a number of notices and funding announcement to share with you.

First, NIH is pleased to announce that a simplified review framework will be implemented for grants with receipt deadlines of January 25, 2025, and beyond. For more information about implementing the new framework, please see the Open Mike blog post from Office of Extramural Research (OER) Director Mike Lauer and Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Director Noni Byrnes.

Second, NIH is seeking comments on a draft resource, "Informed Consent for Research Using Digital Health Technologies: Points to Consider and Sample Language." The draft resource can be viewed here. Comments will be accepted until December 12, 2023, and must be submitted through the online comment form.

Finally, “Music as Medicine: The Science and Clinical Practice,” taking place December 14 and 15, 2023, aims to highlight accomplishments from the last 6 years in advancing scientific research on music and health, develop a blueprint for the next phase of research, and further build the research community. Please visit the conference website to learn more details and register for this free virtual event.

There's also information on a number of notices and funding opportunities, so please read the newsletter, see past editions, and subscribe!